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Old 03-06-2020, 11:15 PM
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Default Step-Mommy Living On The Edge - NatalieWonder - iwantclips

Step-Mommy Living On The Edge - NatalieWonder - iwantclips

(Son walks in to find Step-Mommy in the bathroom. She's in her bath towel standing facing the wall, slightly hunched over. One hand is furiously rubbing something down there between her legs. She's breathing heavy. Son is still quite young so he's a bit confused. What's Step-Mommy doing? Does she have an itch? The floor creaks and Step-Mommy glances over to find her son staring at her.)
Huhhh??!! OH! Nothing sweetie! Step-Mommy just had an itch. It's so itchy and Step-Mommy was Scratching-Surface level it real hard. What's the matter do you need something? You want to stay in here with Step-Mommy? Ummm, how about you go to your room and play with your new toys? Mommy's almost finished here in the bathroom. It's going to be very boring in here with Step-Mommy. You still want to stay with me? okay. fine! I just...I just can't. I NEVER HAVE ANY TIME FOR MYSELF ANYMORE! It's so frustrating!
oh..oh no...oh sweetie I'm so sorry. Step-Mommy didn't mean to yell at you. I'm little "on edge". Awwwww honey, that's so sweet. You want to help Step-Mommy feel better? You're such a sweet little boy sometimes. Okay, you can help me. I have a confession though...before when you caught me Scratching-Surface level myself...I was really pleasuring myself down there. You see, when Step-Mommy touches herself down there it feels really good. And if I don't finish I get in a bad mood. Will you help Step-Mommy finish? Put your fingers right there. Touch Step-Mommy in her her pussy. Mmmmm just like that. It's so wet, right? Slide your fingers inside...explore mommy's pussy like a good boy. Play with it. Mommy's so lucky to have you. Take your pants with yourself for Step-Mommy. Such a dirty little boy you are...playing with that nice little cock for your naughty Step-Mommy. Put your mouth on mommy's pink hole. Tastes yummy, right? Stick your fingers inside and help Step-Mommy cum. I need a release so bad...
Captures Your Fantasy For: MILF, Taboo, POV, Older Woman, Age Play, Mommas Boy, Dirty Talk, Sex Ed, Towel Fetish, Instructional, Pussy Close Ups, Nudity, Intense Masturbation, Orgasm
I Do Customs! Please contact me for details.
Models: NatalieWonder

Duration: 13 min 42 s
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Format: MPEG-4
Size: 311 MiB
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